Does your well look like this?
If so you have a pittless adapter well. That just means you have NO spigot by the well and
NO vent hole.
So how do you install the Sulfur Eliminator on your well?
We always request you do a temporary install to show you the product is going to work on your well. 1st you will take a garden hose and hook the hose to the spigot that is on the side of your house, 2nd you will run the garden hose over to your well. 3rd you will hook the Sulfur Eliminator to your garden hose, 4th the metal cap that is on your well you will take it off and you will insert the Sulfur Eliminator nozzle into the well. Once the nozzle head is hanging in the well then you will lay the cap back on your well. Don’t forget to turn your spigot on. You will leave the Sulfur Eliminator set up like this until the smell is gone which generally is about 48 hours or less. Once the smell is gone you are ready for your permanent install. Permanent install of the Sulfur Eliminator you will need to get a spigot installed beside of the well. Any plumber or handy person can do this. Once the spigot is installed you will take the Sulfur Eliminator and hook it up to your new spigot. The cap that was on the well you are going to put it back just like you found it. You will then drill a half inch hole through the top of the metal cap. You will feed the nozzle head through that hole. Your sulfur eliminator is permanently installed. Very important and I know you are thinking it. This is going to freeze! NO it’s not. Before your first frost you will need to cover the well with an insulated well cover. Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Plow & Hearth sell insulated well covers that look like fake rocks. These rocks are designated to insulate wells and spigots. Once you cover the well, spigot and the Sulfur Eliminator your well will breathe at 55 degrees and IT WILL NOT FREEZE.